Standard machines

The very wide range of clinching portable and standalone machines offers the opportunity to incorporate the technology into your operation for a minimum investment cost and to provide the best solution for practically every application.

Pneumatic series
100% pneumatic tools with quick closing jaws
A range of autonomous, lightweight and ergonomic pneumatic portable tools, particularly suited for the assembly of large parts.

Standard-machinesRC 0201 IP This extremely productive clinching tool is a plug-and-play and light weight
machine RC 0404 IP Multi-purpose, jaw type clinchers, ideally suited for applications with medium distance to access the joint.
machine RC 0706 IP 100% pneumatic, high capacity clinching tool with large opening jaws.
machine RC 4006 P50 PASS A multi-purpose, high productivity stand alone clinching machine.

Hydraulic series

Booster driven: light and fast hand tools
Light weight and fast tools for joining edges and flat panels. Convenient for cabinets, refrigerated window displays, vending machines, freezers, ventilation and many other sectors.
machine RC 0201 FS PASS The lightest and fastest tool.
Light and powerful clinch tool for edges, corners and flat panels.