Portable dot peen marking unit with maximum speed in minimum dimensions, especially designed to mark pieces in any area and position.

Portable Marking Machine Superfast DOT 50x17P

Portable Marking Machine Superfast DOT 160x17P

Portable Marking Machine Superfast DOT 100x17P  

Portable dot peen marking unit for large marking areas, especially designed to mark large-sized pieces in any zone and position.

Portable Marking Machine Standard DOT 90x60P

Portable Marking Machine Standard DOT 150x100P

Deep Marking
Portable dot peen marking unit for deep marking, especially designed for marking pieces that aree large-sized, in any area and position, with later treatment (blasting, machining, grinding, painting, etc.)

Portable Marking Machine Deep Marking DOT 72x35P

Portable Marking Machine Deep Marking DOT 200x35P

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